The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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After purchasing a laptop computer (NEC Multispeed EL - I love it), I
wanted a quick and easy way to send files from the laptop to another
PC using the null-modem cable included with the laptop. I happen to have
a 3 1/2 inch drive on my 'main' PC, but I wanted to be prepared for those
times when I am visiting a client or friend, and he doesn't.
There are a number of 'bridge' products out there, but they all assume
that you carry a 5 1/4" disk as well as a 3 1/2" everywhere you go. What
I wanted was a simple BASIC program that could be typed in to the 'host'
computer in five minutes or less, that would allow multiple file transfer
with error correction.
It must be easy to run, and designed for direct connection between the PC
and the laptop (no modems). The programs must also be short, so they don't
take up too much room on the laptop's system disk.
The following two programs are the result of these design criteria. They
work together to send data from the laptop to the host PC. (To send data
back the other way, send the 'BS.BAS' program to the host and run it there.)
If you don't have a way to copy media from 5 1/4" to 3 1/2" floppies,
these programs may do the trick for you. They can be a lifesaver in those
special situations where you need file transfer fast. They are extremely
simple to set up and run. They don't cost a dime, as long as you have
You can transfer any file or program with this utility, including COM,
EXE, and DBF files, as well as word processing files.
If you need to do daily file transfer of large files, or you need to
call in over a modem, get yourself a professional 'bridging' product.
But for occasional or short file transfers, these programs should do
the trick.
The limitations of these programs are obvious and straightforward. You
can't do MS-DOS commands from one PC to the other, like some software
does. Transferred files do not retain the original file date and time.
All control is from the sending PC side. The software runs at 38400
baud, but since BASIC only uses strings up to 255 characters, it isn't
real fast.
Since you will probably be running this software with the PCs side
by side, these limitations should not be irksome.
These programs may also be a helpful 'first step' in connecting your
laptop to a host PC, so you can see how feasible the process itself is.
Once you have decided whether to use a 'bridging' product or add a
3 1/2" disk drive to your host, you can forget these programs (until
you are out on the road somewhere and need them at a client's office).
Keep in mid also that professional 'bridging' programs run at up to
38,400 baud (some even faster). This is four times as fast as the effective
throughput of these programs.
At the current speed, direct connect, you will probably never see a trans-
mission error. If you do, you may need to slow down your turbo processor,
or even check out your COM port. The software will retry error transmiss-
ions up to 10 times (change the IF statement in the sending program if you
want to alter this number).
These programs are set up for COM port 1. If one or the other PC needs to
be COM2, change just that program. Change the line near the beginning of
the program that says CML=1 to CML=2.
If you like the idea of these programs but hate to type, send me $20
(cash or check) and I will send you both programs on BOTH a 3 1/2" and
a 5 1/4" disk. I will also include printed documentation and a layout
for the null-modem cable (both 9 pin and 25-pin versions). I'll also
include our shareware BSR.EXE that transfers files at 115,200 baud.
If you haven't bought a laptop yet, you should strongly consider it.
Even if you only work at home 3 hours a week, the availability of the
laptop will pay for itself in less than a year. I would strongly urge
you to find a laptop with at least 2 720k disks (or one and a hard
drive), plus a parallel and serial port (even if it has an internal
modem). It also helps to have a video output port. If you have to pay
extra for these items, it can drive the cost way up.
To use these programs, type GWBASIC or BASICA at the MS-DOS prompt.
Type the BS.BAS program in on the computer you want to send data from.
Type the BR.BAS program in on the computer you want to receive data on.
Connect the serial port of the sending computer to the serial port of the
receiving computer with a null-modem cable (usually available from the
manufacturer of the laptop, or you can purchase one at any computer
When you are typing in the programs, you don't have to type in the
comments (anything after a single-quote character on a line).
Be sure to SAVE "BS",A on the sending computer, and SAVE "BR",A on
the receiving computer, so you don't have to type the programs in
again. Then type RUN on each computer.
On the sending computer, type the file name of each file you want to send.
You can't use wildcards, but if you type in '=' instead of a file name,
the sending program will list the files in the current directory. When
you are through sending files, type a carriage-return (enter key), and
the program will terminate.
When you are done sending files, type SYSTEM at the GWBASIC prompt "Ok".
This will return you to MS-DOS on each system. The next time you want
to run each program, type GWBASIC BS on the sending computer, and
GWBASIC BR on the receiving computer.
Keep these programs on your laptop disk, and you will always have a way
to transfer files no matter where you are. This "low-tech" solution works
just fine for occasional file transfers and emergency situations.
Brad Jensen
Datamate Company
4135 S 100th East Ave Suite 128
Tulsa Ok 74146
Program Listings
10 ' BS.BAS by Brad Jensen Datamate Company PO Box 471404 Tulsa Ok 74147
20 ' sends files with checksum to PC running BR.BAS
30 ' use with BASICA or GWBASIC and COM1: or COM2:
40 CML = 1 ' change this to "CML = 2" for COM2:
60 CLOSE 'this cleans up if you Ctrl-Break'ed out of last transmit
70 ACK$=CHR$(1):NAK$=CHR$(2) ' reply characters from other PC
80 OPEN CM$+":9600,N,8,1,Cs,ds,cd" AS #1 ' open COM1: or COM2:
90 HOLD=INP(PORT+3):OUT PORT+3,HOLD OR &H80 ' change baud rate to 38400
100 OUT PORT,3:OUT PORT+1,0:OUT PORT+3,HOLD ' set baud to 38400
110 S$=SPACE$(130)
120 CLS:PRINT "Send file to PC " LS$
130 INPUT "File name (= for file list) ";FL$ ' no file name ends programs
140 IF FL$="" THEN LSET S$=CHR$(255)+"$@":GOSUB 390:LOCATE 12,1:END
160 OPEN FL$ AS #2 LEN=128 ' the file may have any path name
170 ST=1 ' strip off path or disk name for transmit to host
180 FOR I=1 TO LEN(FL$):IF MID$(FL$,I,1) = ":" OR MID$(FL$,I,1)="\" THEN ST=I+1
190 NEXT I ' all files will be received to the current directory on the host
200 LSET S$=CHR$(255)+MID$(FL$,ST)+"@":GOSUB 390 ' send file name
210 FIELD #2,128 AS A$:FLEN=LOF(2)
220 PRINT FLEN "Bytes" ' number of bytes in file
230 GR=INT(FLEN/128):GR2=GR*128
240 LOCATE 4,1:PRINT "Blocks to send";GR
250 LOCATE 6,1:PRINT "Sending block";
270 FOR I = 1 TO GR
280 GET #2,I
290 LOCATE 6,15:PRINT I;
300 LSET S$=CHR$(128)+A$:GOSUB 390 ' send full data block
310 NEXT I
320 IF GR2=FLEN THEN 380 ' file is exactly / 128
330 GET #2,INT(GR)+1
340 LSET S$=CHR$(FLEN-GR2)+A$:GOSUB 390 ' send last short block
350 LAST=TIMER:LS$=" Last file sent : "+FL$+STR$(FLEN)
360 LS$=LS$+" bytes at "+STR$(INT(FLEN/(LAST-START)))+" per second"
170 CLOSE #2 ' end of this file, go do another
380 LOCATE 2,1:PRINT SPACE$(80);:LOCATE 2,1:GOTO 120 ' next file
390 CK=0:FOR J = 1 TO 129:CK=CK+ASC(MID$(S$,J,1)):NEXT J ' checksum
400 CK=CK AND 255:MID$(S$,130,1)=CHR$(CK) ' add checksum to end
410 RETRY=0 ' allowable retries for possible error transmission
420 PRINT #1,S$; ' send block of data + checksum to host
430 WHILE LOC(1)=0:WEND:REPLY$=INPUT$(1,1) ' get ack (good) or nak (bad)
450 RETURN ' transmission was good, ack was received
460 PRINT :PRINT "***Too many retries***":END ' errors in transmit
470 REM BS.bas
10 ' Read file from laptop (com1) Receives a file from BS.BAS
20 ' reads 130 byte 'records' from com port with header,data,checksum
30 ' if header = 255 then new file name else header=bytes to write
40 ' checksum = sum of data bytes + header
50 ' returns nak on bad transmission else ack
60 ' ends when Esc pressed or timeout or new file name is $
70 ' Brad Jensen Datamate Company PO Box 471404 Tulsa Ok 74147
80 CML = 1 ' change this line to "CML = 2" for COM2: port
100 TIMEOUT=120 ' seconds to timeout
110 OPEN CM$+":9600,N,8,1,cs,ds,cd" AS #1 'open COM1: or COM2:
120 HOLD=INP(PORT+3):OUT PORT+3,HOLD OR &H80 'chang ebaud from 9600 to 38400
130 OUT PORT,3:OUT PORT+1,0:OUT PORT+3,HOLD ' set baud to 38400
140 CLS:PRINT "Waiting for start of file transmission"
150 WHILE LOC(1)=0 AND INKEY$ <> CHR$(27):WEND ' wait for transmit to start
160 CLS:PRINT "Receiving file"
170 A$="":ACK$=CHR$(1):NAK$=CHR$(2) ' used to signal good/bad checksum
180 FL$="NUL":GOTO 230 ' open the NUL device as the general case
190 LOCATE 2,1:CLOSE #2 ' close old file
200 FL$=LEFT$(FL$,INSTR(FL$,"@")-1) ' get file name in first block
210 IF FL$="$" THEN LOCATE 12,1:PRINT "All Done ":END ' signals end of transmit
220 PRINT "Writing to "FL$" "
230 OPEN FL$ FOR OUTPUT AS #2 ' file is always in current directory on this end
240 BLOCKS=0:A$="":B=TIMER:NEWFILE=0:BAD=0 ' initialize for this file
250 LOCATE 4,1:PRINT "Receiving Block ";
260 IF LEN(A$) < 130 THEN GOSUB 300:ELSE GOSUB 320:IF NEWFILE THEN 190 'get data
270 IF INKEY$=CHR$(27) THEN LOCATE 12,1:PRINT "ESCaped":END ' Esc cancels
280 IF TIMER-B < TIMEOUT THEN GOTO 260 ' no characters in n seconds , quit
290 LOCATE 12,1:PRINT "Timed out...":END
300 IF LOC(1) <> 0 THEN A$=A$+INPUT$(LOC(1),1):B=TIMER ' get from com
320 ALEN=LEN(A$):CK=0:BAD=-1 ' checksum calculation
330 FOR I = 1 TO ALEN-1:CK=CK+ASC(MID$(A$,I,1)):NEXT I:CK=CK AND 255
340 IF CHR$(CK) <> MID$(A$,ALEN,1) THEN A$="":PRINT #1,NAK$;:RETURN ' bad !
350 IF MID$(A$,1,1)=CHR$(255) THEN NEWFILE=-1:FL$=MID$(A$,2,ALEN-2):GOTO 390
360 BLEN=ASC(MID$(A$,1,1)) ' normally 128 bytes except last file block
370 PRINT #2,MID$(A$,2,BLEN); ' print except for header & checksum byte
390 PRINT #1,ACK$;:BAD=0:A$="" ' not bad, good
400 RETURN ' done receiving this block